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David Wright's Mathematician Petition
3/2/06 Deseret News- Math Petition Circulating
A Petition Directed to the State of Utah
We ask the state of Utah to adopt and implement the California Mathematics Standards for our public schools. We agree with the Fordham Foundation report on state mathematics standards that gave Utah's current standards a D rating while giving California an A. We agree with the foundation's assessment, "California’s standards are excellent in every respect. The language is crystal clear, important topics are given priority, and key connections between different skills and tasks are explicitly addressed. Computational skills, problem-solving, and mathematical reasoning are unambiguously supported and integrated throughout." We want our Utah children to master the mathematics they need to compete favorably with the best students of other states and nations. Setting good standards is an important step toward achieving that goal. Please adopt and implement the California Mathematics Standards for our public schools.
The opinions expressed are those of the individual signers. They do not claim to represent positions of the institutions with which they are affiliated.
Kathy Andrist, Department of Mathematics, Utah Valley State College
Alexander Balk, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Jason Behrstock, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Aaron Bertram, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Mladen Bestvina, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Jim Cannon, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Jasbir Chahal, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Peter Crawley, Department of Mathematics, BYU
John Dallon, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Michael Dorff, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Tommaso de Fernex, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Scott Glasgow, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Chris Grant, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Mary Jo Hansen, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
Hsiang-Ping Huang, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Jeff Humpherys, Department of Mathematics, BYU; Community Council, Rock Canyon Elementary
Steve Humphries, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Tyler Jarvis, Department of Mathematics, BYU; Community Council, Rock Canyon Elementary
Kent Kidman, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
Yuan-Pin Lee, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Xian-Jin Li, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Ken Kuttler, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Kening Lu, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Steve McKay, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Steve Merrin, Department of Mathematics, Utah Valley State College
Dragan Milicic, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Richard Miller, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
J. Bart Nelson, Department of Mathematics, Snow College
Tiancheng Ouyang, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Diane Pugmire, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
Marcia Riddle, Department of Mathematics, Snow College
Cynthia Ruchti, Department of Developmental Mathematics, Utah Valley State College
Anurag K. Singh, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
William Smith, Department of Mathematics, BYU
T.H. Steele, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
Eric Swenson, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, Department of Mathematics, Utah Valley State College
Michael A. van Opstall, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
Paul Talaga, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University
Vianey Villamizar, Department of Mathematics, BYU
Karl Warnick, Department of Electrical Engineering, BYU
Dariusz Wilczynski, Department of Mathematics, Utah State University
David Wright, Department of Mathematics, BYU
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